Message from our Principal
Marci Morris
Welcome to February!
January brought us both -28 degree temperatures and then back up to +5 degrees. Not sure if these wide variations of temperatures has anything to do with the many illnesses our students and staff continue to endure or the “never-ending” fevers, coughs etc. We thank all the parents who have been keeping their kids home when ill. It definitely helps us to keep illnesses from running through the school. December and January did not deliver snow and once again, our school yard got hit hard with the changing winter elements. Please remember that while our driveways and paved walkways are maintained with sand and salt throughout the winter, our yard is not treated and therefore requires extra caution when walking/playing on it. Right now, we have ice patches, large puddles and mud throughout our yard. An extra pair of socks and mittens to store away in the classroom or backpack is always helpful. While the conditions are currently not conducive to sledding/sliding, the students know that in order to slide down the snow hills, they must be wearing proper winter gear (including snow pants and winter boots) but it is also essential for all students (even those who do not choose to play in the snow), be dressed for the temperatures. Unless the temperature dips below -26 degrees Celsius, students are spending at least
40 mins/day outside. Please ensure that they are dressed for whatever the day has to offer. Perhaps the whole family could watch the weather report together in the morning and plan what is needed for outerwear.
Remember that Term 1 Report Cards will be sent home on Friday, February 16th. These reports are for skills and knowledge that the students have demonstrated during the first term of school (September – February). Please go over the reports with your child(ren) and focus on their strengths. It is also great to help them set goals for improvement next term. The first page (Learning Skills and Work habits) are very
important. These are the skills and habits that are essential for strong learners and workers in the 21st century.
February is Black History Month and classrooms throughout the school will be Celebrating Black Excellence in Canada. Black history month is a time for us to reflect on the contributions made by Black Canadians and people around the world. It is a time to celebrate the diversity, history and culture of Black people in Canada and to acknowledge their contributions to medicine, technology, politics, music, mathematics, art, science, and much more. Black Canadians and their communities have long been a part of shaping Canada’s heritage and identity. This month and beyond is about sharing the untold stories of Black Canadians and understanding our collective history as Canadians. As we celebrate, we acknowledge the resilience and innovation of the Black community and their determination to work towards a more inclusive Canada.
As many of you know, we are changing some of our hot lunch and popcorn vendors. On average, our Hero burger orders were very low on Fridays, so we have now started with Lunches made Easy. Check out School Cash online to see the different options they have on their rotating menu. I can’t wait to try the tacos and will also give the pancake lunch a go. Later this month, we are hoping to start a monthly HOT DOG lunch on Monday. We will need volunteers to help with this endeavor so if you’re interested and available one Monday/month, please reach out to the school. Watch for more information.
In addition, we have heard the students and we have decided NOT to purchase more popcorn from the current vendor. We are looking into purchasing Kernels popcorn moving forward. We still have a bit to sell off but we are hoping to introduce Kernels popcorn in the coming months. The price will go up to $2.50/bag but I understand that the taste and quality are worth the slightly higher price. Hopefully the students like it better.
Later this month, we will be welcoming a certified dance teacher from Simcoe Contemporary Dancers into the school to work with our students on two days. This valuable learning opportunity will give classes (gr 2 – 8) a chance to learn some principles of dance and some choreography from a professional dance instructor. We are very happy to be able to offer this experience at no extra cost to students! Between a gracious donation from Bond Head Women’s Institute and a little top off from the school, we have been able to fully cover the cost!
When we get there, we hope all of our families enjoy a long Family Day weekend! Remember that the school is closed on Monday, February 19th for Family Day.
Subscribe to Kindergarten Connections!
Will your child be turning four in 2024? If so, the SCDSB invites you to Kindergarten Connections! This is a monthly
enewsletter informing families of everything they need to know about preparing their child for school, as well as regis-
tering them for Kindergarten in the SCDSB. To learn more and subscribe, visit the Kindergarten page on the SCDSB web-
EarlyON Child and Family Centres
The foundation for lifelong learning and health is built in the early years. EarlyON Child and Family Centres across
Simcoe County offer programs for children prenatal to six years of age and their parents/guardians and caregivers.
They offer access to play- and inquiry-based learning supported by How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s pedagogy for
the early years, information on child development and developmental screening including Early Referral Identification
Kits (ERIK), parent/guardian education, referrals to community resources, nutrition information, and post-natal resources. Check with your local EarlyON provider:
How is your infant, toddler, or preschool child developing?
Is your child meeting their milestones? Age-appropriate speech and language skills are critical to your child’s ability to read, write, and be successful in school as well as to their ability to engage with their peers. Free services are available to support you with your child’s development. Preschool speech and language programs are located across the County of Simcoe. Call 705-739-5696 or 1-800-675-1979 to complete a developmental screen. The earlier we work together the better!
Child care programs available on PA days, holidays, and March Break
Child care programs for children in Kindergarten to Grade 6 are provided by independent, third-party child care operators in some SCDSB schools. To support your child care needs, some operators offer child care on PA days and holidays, including over the March Break (March 11 to 15). Registration in advance is required. Please contact the child care
operator directly to discuss fees and to register. For more information and contact numbers, please visit: https://
Parents’ Guide to Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting
Learn to navigate the world of assessment, evaluation, and reporting with this new guide for parents/guardians. Created to support parents’/guardians’ understanding of assessment, this guide was designed to effectively empower you to actively engage in your child's educational journey. The guide has been posted to the Simcoe County District School Board’s website and can be accessed at https:/cdnsm5ss14.sharpschool.comUserFiles/Servers/Server_210898/File/Secondary/Parents-Guide-to-Assessment.pdf
Subscribe to Community Connects!
The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) is excited to launch Community Connects, a new bimonthly newsletter for the SCDSB community. Our shared goal with this new tool is to keep our community partners and stakeholders informed while nurturing relationships that are built on accountability, trust, and transparency.
To learn more and subscribe, visit the Community Connects page on the SCDSB website:
Hello Earl Rowe Families!!!
Our funding for the snack program has significantly decreased and we are reaching out to our school community for the following donations: bottled water (Earl Rowe is on well water, and we do have a filtration system, but the students do not like the water),
individually wrapped peanut free snacks, mittens and socks.Please drop of donations at the main office and thank you so much!!!